Saturday, February 21, 2009


Yeaa..Yippee.. wHaoWww.... we got BAFTA awards , if I am right and many other global awards too. We might make a cut in Oscars too. For India making into Oscars has always been a very big thing ...kyunn yaar!!!

Dany..Dany Boyle( hope spelling is correct) has done a great work, Yea Right! By the way what sort of great work can anybody tell me? If you are saying that he has brought up the dark..darker ..mmm let say darkest side of India. If this is it, then guys it is not the first time when India’s slums have been captured. You remember DHARAVI, starring Madhuri Dixit and OmPuri, even that movie was based on Mumbai slums but it didn't collect that much international attention, not even national appreciation yaar...

Then what so different Dany has directed? Yea may be he has done some great camera tricks or if I am right then he has managed to tarnish the shining image of the country so beautifully. He has turned the incredible growth of India as emerging economic power into an irony.

If we are clapping and hopping for A.R.Rehman then every one of us are aware of the fact that he is a “Genius”. His every composition is a master piece. Every song he has composed has always been a hit. If you talk about his global recognitions even it is a very pretty long story. He has been associated with Steven Spileberg's 'Star Wars' and was associated with his 'Lords of the Rings' too. I am sure his scores at that time too had the quality to get recognition.

(No grunts and grudges for Dany)

Hey what a coincidence even Arvind Adiga that "White Tiger" guy who wrote about the darker and poor side of India, even he won an award too.

Is it really a coincidence? Or key to success is poor "INDIA".


  1. I agree Manish. Poverty has proved to be very prosperous for Dany. Call it Racism or anything else, kismat apni apni!

  2. Rahman won Oscar for best music?? I really don't know whether the Oscar jury has ever listened to Rehman music?? In my opinion, this was not the best music of Rehman and most of you would be agreed with me. Then why only this time jury found Rehman the best among others. The credit of Rehman Oscar goes not to his music ability but to Dany's Slumdog…..

    I am sad to see Indians cheering for the Slumdog Millionarie, they could have their own reasons. But if you have seen the movie, you got to know that there is nothing prosperous that Dany has shown in his movie about India.

  3. Totally agree with Manish Chauhan...I think the only reason why this movie received oscar is because it is directed by a Britisher. In the history of Indian cinema we have had much better scripts and movies that deserved oscars.


  4. What a coincidence even I share the same feeling. Rightly pointed by the above two.

    I think if 'Ringa Ringa' and 'Jai Ho' can get the Oscar then every composition of Rehman must get that golden lady.

    Every one of us know that there are bundles of songs, composed by Rehman, that can get numbers of Oscars. Ex:- His "Vande Matram " Song.

    If the OScar is because of the marvelous direction of the slums in India then too DHARAVI was the movie which had already discussed this issue.

    If some "I" factor was behind the Oscar then why LAGAAN did not get the oscar, it had Rehman's composition too. Story, direction, screenplay everything was good.

    OOps!! I guess somewhere it hurt the dignity or so called pride of our white rulers.

    God knows...

  5. I think we Indians are living in the illusion of freedom from Britishers...But the reality is that we are still exploited by them however in different ways... And SM is one of the best example...'Poor India' has been exploited for the popularity of a Britisher...

  6. I totally agree with you...had this been directed by an Indian director, it may not even have won any national award, let alone Oscar...and as far as the music is concerned, I guess d Oscar people have not herad of rehmans other masterpieces, slum dog was just a small example....there are many other Indian films which have depicted the story of the slums in a much better way than the "the Slumdog Millionaire", which clearly shows that the film won the award just because its directed by a in my regard there was no need of creating such a hype...

  7. Very correctly said Sugandha, if any Indian director would have made this then surely he wouldn’t have got even a bit of global recognition.

    May be Brits still think that India is far behind from them but we must show them the reality.

    Thanks every one for participating and sharing your views, I am very glad that young India is awake and is not blind by the shine of foreign awards.

    Please share a word about this blog and help me to shake every Indian soul.

    JAI HO… :-p
